A Crazy Naples Bus Experience

The bus station where I needed to catch my bus to the hotel is located approximately 5 minutes from the train station.  However, there was a great deal of construction going on in front of the station (above the metro stop) and a bit of a detour was necessary for me to arrive at the bus stop.

The bus station was much smaller than I expected.  I had thought that most of the city buses would stop here as it’s the bus stop for Napoli Centrale, but in reality, there were signs for only about 15-20 buses and the stops were separated into 4 rows.  I couldn’t find a sign for my bus, so I asked a lady sitting behind an information booth.  She directed me to row 3, and although there was no sign, one of the locals assured me that I was in the right area. 

After a 10-15 minute wait, a bus starts pulling up to row 4 and thankfully I caught the eye of the girl who had helped me previously and it turns out my bus decided to pull up into a different area instead.

I got on the bus and moved to the area by the back doors.  My seat was about 5 steps from the exit and as I knew I only had 3 stops to go, I definitely wanted to be by the door.  Well, little did I know that at stop #1, the bus would become packed and when I tried to get off the bus, people would not move for me, and I ended up missing my stop.  I’ve experienced crowded buses many times before while living in China, but at least in China, people would move for you, or get off of the bus to let you off before they’d get back on.  For some reason, Italians didn’t like to do that and so I ended up needing to push myself and my suitcase through, just to get off the bus.  It was just strange that people didn’t bother getting off the bus to let you off first before getting back on.  It’s not like they’d have to pay again, so I didn’t really understand what that was about.  It was not a fun experience in 35 degree weather when everyone was sweaty and agitated!

Thankfully, this was the end of my bad Naples bus experience, as I didn’t have any issues at all while taking the bus to Posillipo!


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