Relaxing in Hongyadong 洪崖洞

We had had a couple of rocky days before arriving into Chongqing, with things not going as smoothly as we had hoped for this trip, and things finally started looking up from this point on.  After a morning of walking around some of Chongqing’s sites, we landed at Hongyadong, which turned out to be my favourite place in Chongqing.

We arrived at Hongyadong in the late afternoon before the sun set, so we were able to see all the little quirky things, like the statue of many treehouses melded together and the pirate boat sticking out off the side of one of the buildings.  

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Many of the restaurants and cafes were on the higher levels so you could easily enjoy views of the water as well as the rooftops of the stilted house.  We decided to find a café and just relax for a bit so that we could stay in the area and enjoy the night views.

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It was more difficult to find a café than we had anticipated.  We had seen an area with a bunch of foreign flags, so we just assumed that the area would be frequented by foreigners, but yet, coffee shops seemed to be a luxury here.  We finally found one and was able to order from a funny menu.

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We must have spent a couple of hours at the coffee shop, because when we finally decided to leave, the sky was dark and everything around us was lit up.  It was quite a sight and made the whole area very beautiful.

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Within the Hongyadong complex, there were many restaurants and vendors selling all sorts of souvenirs and treats.  We were even able to see some candy vendors “pulling sugar” to make candy.

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We decided to stop into a Beijing Duck restaurant for dinner.  The restaurant is supposed to be quite famous, but I was a bit disappointed as I felt that I’d had much better Beijing Duck in many other places before.  However, having said that, I could just be used to western style Beijing Duck and this is likely a more authentic version.

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Address:  重庆市渝中区天成巷422号洪崖洞4层

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